Friday, February 15, 2013

My Quarter-life Crisis (more or less)

There are a few things I could currently be doing with my life right now, and I have no idea which direction to go...

  1. Stay at my current company, become fluent in Japanese, and work my way up to top management (eventually becoming the president of Mitsubishi).
  2. Earn my Masters in psychology and work somewhere doing something.
  3. Earn my Masters/PsyD in forensic psychology, so I can be like that guy on Law and Order: SVU.
  4. Earn my Masters/PsyD in industrial/organizational psychology, so I can be like that guy on Bones.
  5. Earn my PhD in psychology, so I can become a professor and teach a classroom of 18 year-olds who only take my class because I'm so pretty...
  6. Become a Chicago Luvabull and sacrifice all respectable dance training.
  7. Audition for Cirque du Soleil as a dancer and realize I won't make it because there are 9 year-olds who dance better than me...
  8. Become a freelance writer, working on my non-profit blog; simultaneously work on getting my book published.
  9. Aspire to become a writer for SNL, eventually leading me to start working on my hit new show on NBC.
  10. Be a lead singer for a non-specific alternative rock band.
  11. Play video games for the rest of my life, never leaving my room.  I wouldn't even buy the new PS4 because I can't couldn't afford it.
  12. Marry a surgeon.  Preferably a Jewish one.

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