Monday, February 25, 2013

What We Really Want from the PS4

Last week, Sony announced the the new PlayStation 4...  Correction: Last week, Sony showed us what the controller for the new PS4 would look like. 

PS4 controller revealed: introducing the DualShock 4
It has a touch pad because 21ST CENTURY!

Beyond that, they talked a lot about other specs the new console would have and even showed off a few new upcoming games.  This was all nice and cute, but here's what we really want to see by the end of the year:

Backwards compatibility:
Even the PlayStation 2 had backwards compatibility (meaning you could play old-ass first generation games like Parappa the Rapper).  When the PS3 came out, you couldn't even play most of your old PS2 games.  Sure, you can pull out your old consoles, re-hook them up to your TV and play old games, but why the hell would anyone want to do that?  That takes work.  Besides, isn't being non-compatible with older games kind of pretentious? 
"What, PS4?  You think you're better than me?" --voice of old PS games, presumably in a Brooklyn accent.

Please just include two controllers in the box:
The one thing I hate about getting a new gaming console is that as soon as you have spent your entire paycheck on the system, you know you have to go out and spend another half of your check.  I can deal with buying games.  That's just a part of the life of being a gamer (hell, you don't even have to buy games now that rental stores and friends are a thing).  What upsets me is the fact that only one controller comes with the console, so you better treasure it, because if you're poor you won't be getting another one for at least five years (Note: Real Sony PS3 controllers cost almost $45 each.  Cheaper, non-Sony ones you can get overseas for around $15).
Think about it:  When do people most often receive new gaming consoles?  Around their birthdays or the December holiday's right?  Chances are that your friends and/or family are around to watch your excitement as you unwrap your new gift.  Within the next 30 minutes or so, you'll probably want to play with your new system...but there's only one controller.  Of course it's your new toy so you have to be the first one to play it, so now what?  Everyone sits around watching you die over and over again in Uncharted.  Now I understand that adding a second controller already in the box would raise the overall price, and that a lot of people play primarily single-player games.  However, adding a second controller makes sense for consoles like the Nintendo Wii (entertaining at a house party near you!), and since Sony made the announcement that the PS4 will be more "social", you'd think they would want to have two controllers in the box.
"Yeah, social...  Like online gaming and creeping on other users' profiles." --voice of the Sony dude.

An app for ordering pizza:
Game night.  Everyones' drunk.  We're playing Katamari Damacy.  We can't find the phone.  We're hungry.  But we can't cook. 
Dear Sony; kindly replace that "share" button with a "bring meh pizzah NOW!" button.  You see, it's simple-- while configuring your PlayStation, there will be an option for quick pizza delivery from your vendor of choice (Sony will have to set up some kind of partnership with these companies, but that's another story).  You would choose your default type of pizza to order, enter your address and credit information, and then every time you press that "bmpN!" button, it will delivered to you.
"No refunds if you accidentally press the button while intoxicated" --voice of fine print in instruction manual.

A webcam:
Every other electronic ever has a built in camera, so why the hell not?  Hey, it spares them the embarrassment of coming out with a new gadget possibly titled, "PlayStation M4ve", or some stupid crap like that...
"Social!" --voice of the Sony dude, again.

A promise to never make a "slim" version of this console:
We never ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER want to see a PS4 Slim.  Ever.
"...ever!"  --voice of me.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting read.

    Couldnt agree more about the controller but I can't see it happenning.
