This genre technically includes anything on the charts that is very popular (popular = 'pop'. Get it? Wow!), however it's been roughly defined by people who love to hate everything as "that mind-numbing stuff featuring no-talent artists that all sound the same." I would normally agree with these people, except for the fact that The Beatles were once considered "pop". Because they were popular. Also, some really good indie rock groups have been making their way up the popularity ladder, so I'm not complaining about pop music anytime soon. Good and well produced pop music, that is.
Much like "pop", this genre has evolved. It is a music, dance, and sometimes life-style. Highly influenced by Black culture, this genre features rhythmic beats and sometimes rapping. Notable modern hip-hop artists include Kanye West, Jay-Z, Eminem, etc. Currently Lil' Wayne and his army of "rappers" called Young Money are monopolizing the hip-hop scene. Many are distraught because they're slipping into this genre:
This style used to be heard only in nightclubs that were open until 5 AM. Now, you can hear this music as early as 7 AM on your way to work (Like seriously, no one wants to hear "Starships" while stuck in morning rush-hour). I blame this on David Guetta. And Cascada... This genre usually is played by various DJs who feature popular artists in their songs. Other people who were once hip-hop artists have found themselves in this genre, too (we're looking at you Minaj... FloRida... MINAJ!)
Not heard as much today as it was in the '90s, but this genre, standing for 'rhythm and blues' is still quite popular among those who love listening to smooth, romantic music. Usher is included in this category, even though he also belongs in the 'house music' category. If you want really good R&B, hit up Robin Thicke. I'm also not mad at him for looking so good.
If you included Taylor Swift in this category, you're doing it wrong.
Nobody except for people at church and your Aunt Gladys listen to this. Remember that song, "Stomp"? I think that's the closest gospel music has come to being mainstream.
This genre plays on that one radio station your mom turns to on the way to church. It's just music with a dose of Jesus. I don't even know why it gets it's own category. If you didn't understand English, these songs would sound just like any other song by The Fray or The Goo Goo Dolls.
You're probably thinking about Bob Marley. That's okay, because so am I. Also, you should really check out Matisyahu.
Features 'wub wub wubs', and bass-drops. Now this is a genre of music of which most songs sound all the same. Apparently came out of Europe. Skrillex is the most popular dubstep DJ in the states, so far. This dancer almost makes it worth listening to. Warning: You either love it or you hate it, and if you hate it, we're tired of hearing you talk about how much it sucks.
Christmas Music
If you are caught listening to this before Thanksgiving has passed, you're dead.
This style includes all those people who like to play their instruments by themselves and acoustically. Technically, anyone can go acoustic. Remember that whole "Unplugged" thing Nirvana did? That was awesome...
Whether it be opera or gold old piano music, some people love chilling out to Mozart, Beethoven, or another notable composer's work. If they're really adventurous, they'll listen to some Stravinsky. Now that guy was nuts!
They sell albums featuring music from certain movies and video games for a reason. One being because the composer worked really hard on it and wants all the money he/she can get. The other being that people love a good soundtrack. For instance the Inception soundtrack may just be the only movie soundtrack that I can listen to from start to finish. In short, Hans Zimmer is a genius.
This is the genre that includes artists people love to listen to when they get sick of listening to "mind-numbing pop". However, fun. and Gotye are sometimes considered indie, but are also on the pop charts... Now we don't even know what we're talking about anymore.
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