Wednesday, October 24, 2012

When Donald Trump Dangles $5 Million in Your Face...

You'd think he could afford a better tan...

This really interesting and totally likable person named Donald Trump (perhaps you've heard of him) did something very charitable.  He announced he'd be making a donation of $5 million to any charity of President  Obama's choice.  This seems great!  What an awesome guy!  Oh wait, what's that?  There's a catch?  ...Of course there is... Freaking rich people...

Donald Trump recently announced...excuse me...majorly announced in a video that he would donate millions of dollars to any charity that Obama chooses, but only if Obama released his college applications, passports, and other documentation that no one really cares about.  Now, two things could happen here:  Either the Prez could laugh at Trump's horribly aging pumpkin head and never release his documents, thus resisting playing this stupid game.  Or, Obama could publicly release all his useless information on video, stare into the camera, and say "Pay up, Trump." ...Like a boss.

Frankly, I don't care what either party does.  However, I was extremely upset with Trump's action here.  Let me just say that this is precisely why people hate rich people, and Trump is only helping to give them more of a bad name.  He's portraying rich folks as the kind of people who openly display that they have more money than they know what to do with, but they never do any good with it.  Trump just blatantly expressed that he has $5 million he's willing to donate, but like a first-class asshole, he's going to hold on to it unless Obama succumbs to a stupid dare.  ...Freaking rich people...

I find it incredibly rude that he would dangle so much money in the faces of many charities that need it.  All those inner-city kids he mentioned, too...what a tease!  If he has the means to be charitable, why doesn't he just do it?  And I'm not saying that Trump has never donated a penny to charity in his life, because I'm sure he has (it's like required in the 1% world right?  For tax write-offs and shit?  I don't know things...).  However, in this instance, $5 million is a ton of cash that any charity could really benefit from, and to just turn it into a game is pretty low.  I say even if Obama doesn't play his game, he should still donate the money...or at least somebody should.  And I'm not accepting any less than that $5 million.

...Freaking rich people...

ALSO! - No one in the history of common sense would ever release personal information like this to the public.  "His passport application"?  Are you kidding me?!  Why don't I just scan my social security card and post it right here?

This is really mine.  Swear.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

"It's a philosophy book!": A "Mockingjay" Review

Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, #3)Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After completing this series, I can say that I was satisfied. The first two books left me feeling bitter and HUNGRY for more... Eh?! Like that? Ok.

All puns aside, I really enjoyed reading this book. At times, I did get bored, or sped through certain part which I felt were "fillers", but for the parts that mattered I was kept on the edge of my seat. This is definitely NOT a children's book. Heck, I barely consider it a book for teens. The depictions of violence are raw and Collins has no mercy while describing scenes of horror and bloodiness. Despite the lovely cover, this is not a warm-fuzzy read.

I really do admire the clear path to maturity that this series has gone through. I'll admit that I absolutely hated the main character, Katniss, for the first book. In the second, I was terribly annoyed by her and her inability to let information pass through her skull that the reader had most likely already figured out pages ago. I started Mockingjay expect to be just as annoyed, but the character finally grew on me. Throughout, she slowly developed into a mature adult, albeit not the way average children should grow. In this book we see her as a human, scarred by the atrocities of war so much that she breaks. I don't believe for a second that society would ever become as barbaric as Panem or as idiotic as the citizens of the Capitol, but you certainly can draw similarities to events in history. Just because it was anceint Rome doesn't mean real-life human beings didn't watch prisoners being torn apart for entertainment. In essence, Collins illustrates to us a point which we all already know: WAR IS BAD. DON'T DO IT. Yeah...we know. (So why do we keep going?)

Now, the reason I like this book the most is because of the varying forms and displays of morality. We see Peeta, who seems to be a genuine dove of peace. (Although, he did coldly murder someone in the first book. No one's going to bring that up again? Anyone? Okay, moving on.) Gale who is definitly bent on serving revenge on the coldest plate in the freezer. (By the way, I still don't buy the Kat/Gale romance. Totally dry.) And even the good ol' Prez Snow with his utilitarian attitude (also, he's a vampire... I'm obviously kidding, but read the book and you'll see what I mean). Katniss constantly flows through different morality models, which makes total sense for a person in her position. Hurt them before they hurt you first? Do eyes for eyes really make the world blind? Does a chance at freedom really justify the slaying of innocents? Conflicting views and questions of morality and human rights in a time of war and opression. Gotta love it. It's the philosopher in me...

So if you're like me, wondering wheter or not to finish the series, my answer is this: Just finish it. You may not like it as much as I did, but it's a series... What kind of lamer just quits halfway through a series? You wouldn't quit watching Merlin after Season 2, would you? (Okay, I did...bad example... Still, go read the darn book!)

View all my reviews

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Batman Cupcakes

It was Labor Day, or some other day of the week where I didn't have to work, and I call up my cousin and say, "Hey, want to hang out and bake Batman cupcakes?"  Of course she said yes because, honestly, who turns down free cupcakes?

There's not really a recipe to these.  It's just out-of-the-box cupcakes.  I grabbed whatever cake mix looked good at the time (I think it was double fudge or something.  I don't know.  Don't care.  Deliciousness is all that matters).  Same goes for the frosting, except it needs to be yellow for obvious character reasons.  I also grabbed a couple tubes of tiny "drawing frosting" so that I could draw 30 Bat-signs.  

The best one

The saddest one

One thing about the frosting: frosting out-of-the-box-cake or cupcakes usually results in the cakes falling apart if you're not delicate while applying the frosting.  The only thing I can think of to prevent this is to get softer frosting or make it softer somehow, but I have no idea.  I'm not a pastry chef...

Anyway, these were good.  I made a ton of them and took them to work the next day (so it was Labor Day that I made these).  I don't think many people were that amused by my cupcakes because a total of 5 were eaten that day.  So, I took the rest home and my roommates and I gained 5 pounds that week.  Regardless, I had fun with these, and I want to start baking more.  Maybe next time from scratch.  And Superman cupcakes.  Actually, drawing a bunch of Superman symbols with tubes of frosting sounds like hard work...