Friday, September 14, 2012

Little Notes: "Mighty Morphlin' Power Rangers"

I'm currently reading Catching Fire, the sequel to the recently popular Hunger Games.  While reading the book, I notice that the narrator often mentions a substance called "morphling".  Now most things in this dystopian future that the author created are like upgraded versions of modern objects or animals (e.g.- a "mockingjay" is a genetically altered bird).

I assume "morphling" is an altered version of morphine, or morphine mixed with some other substance, and I'm sure it will be explained later in the book.  But, for now I'm getting more amusement out of imagining that the author really has no idea what morphine is, heard someone talk about it one day, and just spelled it and pronounced it how she thought it would be.  You know...  Like how the Rugrats talk...

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