Tuesday, June 14, 2011

And....I'm Back.

No..seriously. For real this time guys.

That's right! I'm out of school (until September) which means I have plenty of time for blogging. HOO-RAY! ..........

"Good grief, Liz"

Believe me, dammit!
I always say to myself that I'm going to start blogging seriously, but it never quite works out. So, here's what I'm going to do...
I'm not going to make a day job out of blogging. I'm just going to do it for pure fun. I will just post whenever I feel like it. Of course it won't be everyday, but I'll do my best to make posts at least once or twice a week. I have a lot of inspiration in front of me, so I'm super excited to get started again.

As expected, I will be posting dance-related information, thoughts, reviews, news, etc. on this blog. ARE YOU READY?

'Cuz I'm soooo ready...

*puts on sunglasses and turns on music by The Who*

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